Site for Members of LCW to Reblog a Monthly Blog Post

Since we don’t have this challenge started yet, I’ll make our first post the information on today’s meeting. Also, I’ve tried to follow all those within the group who already have a blog, so readers can find their posts in the followed links.

Here’s the meeting info straight from our Facebook page at

Saturday, January 12th, 2013 brings us to the start of another year for Louisville Christian Writers. For this meeting, we will share introductions and good news, and then we will get into some pretty serious brainstorming. We want to know what types of meetings work best for the majority of our writers.

The first part of the meeting, from 4:30pm to 5:30pm, is for our personal planning. Where we normally have our critique session, we will have our writer’s goal planning. Sheets will be appended in e-mail and uploaded to our private group site for writers & members to print and fill out ahead of time, or they will be available at the meeting. Once writers fill out their goal sheets, they can find other writers with completed goal sheets to share with. We will ask all small groups of writers to sign each others’ goal sheets for accountability and to pray over the goals and the writers for encouragement. Some writers will be arriving at 5pm instead of 4:30pm, so please join them even if you cannot come at the earliest time. We all need accountability and encouragement partners. 🙂

The meeting portion, 6pm to 8pm, is for group planning. If you have an idea for a speaker, a writing challenge, a writing exercise, or any other type of writing activity, this is the time and place to share it. If you want more exercises, speak now. If you have ideas for new formats for critique sessions, or ways we can reach more of our writers online, this is when we need to hear all of your ideas.

Please bring yourself and your notes and questions, and prepare to chime in either with your own ideas or with your thoughts on ideas presented by others. We have this meeting in an open-discussion format, so all ideas and thoughts can be heard by everyone.

January is also our MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. We would love for all members to be present for this meeting and to pay your dues for the year, so we don’t have to remember later who has and has not paid. The dues structure is as follows…

~$30.00 for brand new members
~$25.00 for renewals
~$10.00 for members at large–usually those who live out of town or who are disabled–and who are unable to attend most of our regular meetings or who cannot attend any meetings at all but wish to remain part of the group and have input to group newsletters.
*NOTE: If you joined near the end of 2012, your membership is extended to the 2013 year.

LCW dues help pay for our speakers, the extras for meals, and our newsletters when we have them in print. In addition, we try to keep dues large enough to inspire dedication and attendance to the group and small enough to allow most everyone to afford to join. Payment of dues is not a requirement to attend or participate in meetings. We are still working on extra value to add for paying members in addition to publication in the newsletter and a page on our website in the future. If you have ideas for value you want added, please bring them to the January meeting.

As a note, our elections left all officers from 2012 in position for 2013. If you missed an opportunity to nominate yourself for a desired position, please let us know at the next meeting.

Finally, just some of the plans we already have lined up or have desires for include: Meet the writers of Louisville Christian Writers–our February meeting where writers will have table space to display their written works as well as anything that shows other parts of their lives such as art work, jewelry, make-up, perfume, etc., if they make or sell these types of items when they are not writing; Debonnaire Kovacs from Berea ( to speak in March; A spring or summer picnic for members and families that includes children and others; and a group trip to The Creation Museum ( with the possibility of a speaker or two to encourage us during our lunch break.

Submitted by Crystal A Murray of

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